Saved views

Views are custom sets of filters, sorting, grouping, and more. In each list, you can create multiple views to get a different perspective on the tasks within that list.

This is an enhanced version of the current “Saved Filters” feature, offering more options to display your tasks.

Creating a View

To create a new view, click the “Add View” button. Currently, you can choose between List and Board views. Calendar and Timeline views will be added soon.

Editing a View

To edit a view, click the gear icon at the top right corner. You can rename the view, adjust grouping, sorting, and filters.

Rename a view

If you make changes to the filter or sorting options in the current view, you can either save these changes to the existing view or save them as a new view.

The Default “All” View

The default “All” view has a few key differences from other saved views:

1/ You cannot save filters or sorting to this view. Any changes to filtering or sorting will need to be saved as a new view.

2/ In the View Settings modal, you can adjust the layout and grouping. These changes are automatically saved.

Reordering Views

Click the ellipsis icon next to the “Add View” button to reorder views. Changes will apply to all members in the list.

Private Views

With the Premium plan, you can mark any view you create as private, making it visible only to you.

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