Weekly Notes - Reflection templates

Reflection is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. By taking the time to review your experiences, you can identify what works, what doesn’t, and how to make meaningful changes.

In Upbase, you can save and reuse templates to streamline this process. Simply type "/" and then choose "Template".

Select one of the following templates to add to your Weekly Notes for a seamless reflection process.

Let's explore several popular reflection frameworks that can help you analyze your week, set goals, and improve continuously.

1. Start-Stop-Continue

One effective way to reflect is through the Start-Stop-Continue framework.

- Start:

What new actions or habits should I start?

  • Action 1
  • Action 2
  • Action 3

- Stop:

What actions or habits should I stop?

  • Action 1
  • Action 2
  • Action 3

- Continue:

What actions or habits are working well and should be continued?

  • Action 1
  • Action 2
  • Action 3

2. WWW (What Went Well)

The WWW framework helps you identify positives, areas of improvement, and steps for the future.

- What Went Well:

List the things that went well this week.

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

- What Didn't Go Well:

Identify areas where things didn't go as planned.

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

- What Can Be Improved:

Suggest ways to improve for the next week.

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

3. Rose-Thorn-Bud

This framework focuses on successes, challenges, and opportunities.

- Rose (Successes/Positives):

What were the successes or positive experiences?

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

- Thorn (Challenges/Negatives):

What were the challenges or negative experiences?

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

- Bud (Opportunities for Growth):

What are the opportunities for growth or new ideas to try?

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

4. 4 Rs (Review, Reflect, Revise, Renew)

The 4 Rs framework guides you through a thorough reflection and planning process.

- Review:

What happened this week? Summarize key events and tasks.

  • Feeling/emotion 1
  • Feeling/emotion 2
  • Feeling/emotion 3

- Reflect:

How did I feel about the week? What stood out?

  • Event/task 1
  • Event/task 2
  • Event/task 3

- Revise:

What changes or adjustments should I make?

  • Change/adjustment 1
  • Change/adjustment 2
  • Change/adjustment 3

- Renew:

What are my renewed goals or commitments for the next week?

  • Goal/commitment1
  • Goal/commitment 2
  • Goal/commitment 3

5. GROW (Goal, Reality, Options, Way Forward)

Use the GROW framework to set goals and plan actionable steps.

- Goal:

What was my goal for the week?

  • Goal 1
  • Goal 2
  • Goal 3

- Reality:

What actually happened? Describe the current situation.

  • Situation 1
  • Situation 2
  • Situation 3

- Options:

What options do I have for improvement?

  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3

- Way Forward:

What steps will I take next?

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3

6. SWOT Analysis

Analyze your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats with SWOT.

- Strengths:

What were my strengths this week?

  • Strength 1
  • Strength 2
  • Strength 3

- Weaknesses:

What were my weaknesses or areas for improvement?

  • Weakness 1
  • Weakness 2
  • Weakness 3

- Opportunities:

What opportunities did I have or could have seized?

  • Opportunity 1
  • Opportunity 2
  • Opportunity 3

- Threats:

What obstacles or threats did I encounter?

  • Threat 1
  • Threat 2
  • Threat 3

7. Peaks and Valleys

Reflect on your highs and lows with the Peaks and Valleys framework.

- Peaks:

What were the high points or successes?

  • Peak 1
  • Peak 2
  • Peak 3

- Valleys:

What were the low points or challenges?

  • Valley 1
  • Valley 2
  • Valley 3

- Lessons Learned:

What did I learn from these experiences?

  • Lesson 1
  • Lesson 2
  • Lesson 3

8. KISS (Keep, Improve, Stop, Start)

The KISS framework helps streamline your reflection and planning process.

- Keep:

What should I keep doing?

  • Activity 1
  • Activity 2
  • Activity 3

- Improve:

What should I improve or enhance?

  • Improvement 1
  • Improvement 2
  • Improvement 3

- Stop:

What should I stop doing?

  • Stop 1
  • Stop 2
  • Stop 3

- Start:

What new actions or habits should I start?

  • Start 1
  • Start 2
  • Start 3

Reflecting on your week using these frameworks can provide valuable insights and guide you towards continuous improvement.

By regularly assessing your actions and outcomes, you can make informed decisions, set achievable goals, and enhance both your personal and professional life.

Choose a framework that resonates with you and make reflection a regular part of your routine for lasting benefits. And with Upbase, integrating these templates into your weekly notes is effortless, ensuring a seamless and productive reflection process.

You can also apply the above templates for your daily reflection.

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