Understanding lists


Lists are where you work and collaborate with your teammates. You can use lists to manage departments or projects or to collaborate with clients.

  1. Your list. You can organize relevant lists by folder for easy management. See more here.
  2. The current list name. Click on the down arrow icon on the right to access the action menus. 
  3. Tools inside each list.

List tools

Within each list, you will find 6 tools for working and collaborating with your teammates, including:

  • Tasks: Create and manage your to-dos. You can assign tasks to your team and collaborate on each task to get things done.
  • Docs: Create notes, wikis, knowledge bases, etc. and share them with your teams. You can comment to collaborate with your teammates on each doc.
  • Files: Store and share files with your teammates.
  • Schedule: Schedule daily and weekly tasks on a weekly planner. You get a clear, visual sense of who is doing what today, tomorrow, and the other days of the week.
  • Messages: You can use this to make announcements, share ideas, get feedback, etc. on a certain topic. Messages can be organized by topic for better management.
  • Chat: Use this for quick discussions with your teammates without using a separate chat app like Slack.

List action

To see the list dropdown menu, click on the three-dot icon while hovering over the list on the left sidebar, or click the dropdown arrow next to the list name on the top menu.

Set color and icon

This option allows you to select the list’s icon and color.

Pro tip: If a folder contains similar lists, use the same icon for them.

List settings

Click on this menu to open the main settings setup for the list, including:

List settings - General

List settings - People

People and permissions

Manage list members and their permissions. You can invite new members to the list here.

Archive list

If you no longer use a list, you can archive it.

Delete list

Deleted lists will be moved to the “Trash” page and will be permanently deleted after 30 days. You can go to this page to restore the lists if they haven’t been permanently deleted yet.

List privacy

Lists are private. They can be viewed or accessed by invited members.

Create a new list

Click on the “+” icon in the “My lists” section, then fill in the necessary information to create a new list. See more details here.

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