

How to add a new message

Message categories

Message watchers

Message action options

You can use the Messages page to post announcements and project updates, brainstorm ideas, celebrate accomplishments, give birthday wishes, create discussion topics, or share important information. Put all your team discussions in one place and say goodbye to long, messy email threads. 

The Messages layout is divided into 2 parts. The left sidebar contains the message topics, while the right sidebar contains the message details.

  1. Button to add a new message.
  2. Filter messages by sender.
  3. Filter messages by category.

How to add a new message

Click the “New message” button. The popup to compose a message will appear as follows.

  1. Subject of the message.
  2. Select the message category (optional). (More details are included in the “message categories” section below.)
  3. Select who will be notified of the message. You can select all lists’ members or only some of them.
  4. Details of the message.
  5. Formatting bar. You can attach files to the message by clicking the “attachment” icon on the far right.
  6. Tick this checkbox if you want only the chosen people to see this message. If you do not tick the checkbox, everyone on the list will be able to see the message, though only the chosen people will receive a notification.

Message categories

When adding a new message, you can select its category to easily filter and search for it later. Categories are fully customizable. You can add, remove, or rename categories.

You can create and manage message categories at 2 levels:

1. Message categories at the workspace level

If you are an admin, you can go to the workspace settings and create message categories for the entire workspace.

These categories will appear in every list. When you go to the categories management popup of each list, you will see that the categories created at the workspace level appear in bold. You can remove these categories from any list.


  • When you rename a category at the workspace level, this change will apply to all lists using that category.
  • When you delete a category at the workspace level, all messages in this category will become uncategorized.

2. Message categories at the list level

When you add a new list, you can:

  • Remove unused workspace-level categories.
  • Create categories for that list only.

In the category dropdown menu, click “Edit categories” to see the popup for managing categories.

In this popup, you can add, rename, or remove categories.

Message watchers

Watchers are the people who receive notifications of the messages.

Watchers are those in the list of notified members when creating a message. You can add or remove watchers:

  • For private messages: Only the sender can add new watchers. The sender does this by editing the message, then adding new watchers in the “Notify” field. You can only remove yourself or someone else from the watchers list; you cannot add new watchers.
  • For public messages: You can add new members to the watchers list. Also, list members will automatically be added to the watchers list if they:
  1. Comment on the message.
  2. Are mentioned in the comments.
  3. Add themselves to the watchers list by clicking on the watchers icon.

To stop receiving notifications of a message, click on the watchers icon and remove yourself from the watchers list.

You can also remove others from the watchers list.


You can add comments to the message to collaborate with your teammates. You can mention someone, attach files, or add emojis.

Message action options

  • Edit: Edit the message. Only the sender can edit.
  • Pin:  Pin the message to the top.
  • Delete: Delete the message. This option is only available to the message sender and the admins.
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